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Mitchell Street Church of God in Christ was established in 1923 by Elder W. W. Flowers and Elder C. C. Childress.  The original name was Magnolia Church of God in Christ.  The church moved to several locations over the next thirty five years but in 1952 the church located at 2708 Mitchell Street was reopened under the leadership of Superintendent C. C. Cox.  In 1958 Elder Edward Lee Battles was appointed Pastor with a membership of eight.  Over a short period of time the church grew to a membership of more than 600.  In 1968, Pastor Battles built a new edifice and remained at that location until he built an even larger church facility at 7310 Hampton Road in Dallas. The name was changed to Abundant Life Church of God in Christ in July 1986 and the new church was dedicated in June 1993.

In August 1993 Elder Alvin (A. C.) Grissom, who was serving as assistant pastor of Abundant Life reopened the church on Mitchell Street.  He was appointed interim pastor by Bishop J. Neual Haynes and permanent pastor in April 2004.  Pastor Grissom was given the opportunity to rename the church but decided to keep the name, Mitchell Street Church of God in Christ, to honor  the rich legacy of the church.  Under Pastor Battles the church was known as Holy Ghost Headquarters because the power of the Holy Spirit was so prevalent in services.  People were often healed miraculously and others were set free from the bondage of sin.  This legacy continues today at the Mitchell Street Church of God in Christ.  Many have been healed, delivered and set free.  The word of God regularly goes forth and is preached with power and authority.

Pastor Grissom operates under the theme, “It’s All About Jesus” and at Mitchell Street, Jesus is always first.  Pastor Grissom and his anointed quorum of Elders and Missionaries preach and teach the pure and unadulterated word of God.  Whether in Sunday School, Morning Worship, Evening Worship, YPWW or Bible Study, the focus is always on Jesus and His plan for His people.  The legacy of Holy Ghost Headquarters lives on at Mitchell Street because the Holy Ghost resides there.

While God continued to bless the church at its new location, services at the church on Mitchell street were discontinued.  Pastor Battles continued to lead the church to higher and higher levels until he went to be with the Lord in December 1996. On June 11, 1996 the church entered, “A New Beginning”, with the appointment of Superintendent Everett Jones as Pastor.  Superintendent Jones continues as Pastor today and under his leadership the church continues to grow.

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